Monday 13 March 2023

To-Do Tuesday #6 (March 14-20) and fun at retreat

I had a wonderful time at the retreat last week. The building was so bright and spacious, and the ladies were so nice and welcoming. 😊

I got more sewing done than I ever have at a retreat, but it was still not a lot compared to others. One lady sewed 12 (yes, 12!!) 3-yard quilt tops over the 4 days! She was so speedy. Wow, just wow! I was happy with completing just one quilt top! 

One of the ladies was collecting blocks to make into charity quilts, so I made these two blocks while I was there. 

I can't believe its come and gone and we're into another week. Time is flying and having the clocks move ahead one hour this past Sunday makes it go just that much faster!

Let's see how I did(n't) do last week...I started out strong, but petered out after I got home from retreat. I haven't done any sewing since I got home. I haven't even unpacked. Sheesh. 

  • Sew blue and brown zipper blocks and assemble into a top - Done! 👍
I had only cut enough for 30 blocks. That would have finished at 48" x 60". I don't know what I was thinking. I thought I might give this one to my brother. Well, my brother is 6'7"(79" tall!). This quilt would only come up just past his waist, LOL! So, I cut enough for six more blocks to make it 48" x 72".  

The Zip block tutorial can be found here: Lynn's block finishes at 6  x 9 inches. I used 2 1/2 inch strips and the blocks finish at 8 x 12 inches. I assembled them a bit differently and Lynn has given me permission to share my method, so I will do that in a future post.

So...As I'm working away on the quilt at retreat, I thought send my my brother a text and say hi, and ask him what colours he liked. This is the conversation. Haha! 

  • Sew one set of 30s repro bricks and stones into a top - Not done.
  • Sew the rest of the pink/grey blocks (I have 43, I need a total of 80 blocks) - Not done, but I'm up to 54 blocks now! 
  • Sew scrap snapper blocks (3 x orange), etc. - Not done.
  • Make at least 3 Taggie blankets - Not done.
  • Sew quilt blocks for community quilt top (brown, red, blue, gold) - Not done. 

What was I thinking?? This list was completely unrealistic for ME. I'm just not that fast. Or committed. is a more realistic and hopefully achievable list for the week, which is going to be very busy (but not sewing-busy).  

To-Do Tuesday #6 (March 14-20)

  • Sew the rest of the pink/grey blocks (I have 54, I need a total of 80 blocks).
  • Write a quick tutorial on the alternate assembly method for the Zip block.
  • Set a timer for 30 minutes 3x this week to sort, put away, put for donation or throw out "stuff" in my sewing room. Track my progress!
That's it. That's what I want to achieve this week. I'm busy most of this week, and on Friday, my two friends and I are taking a bus trip to the Quilters Anonymous Quilt Show in Monroe, Washington. We have to leave here early (6 am), to drive to where the bus departs, and then we won't be home until after past 9 pm. It should be lots of fun. I haven't been to this quilt show in years and it's always been so good. It's just too bad the Canadian dollar is so bad right now ($1.40 Cdn = $1.00 USD) 😒. It really limits the shopping. 

Hope you have a good week!


Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the retreat so much! (Twelve quilts!?). It does look like a great room to group-sew in!

Brenda said...

You are a busy lady! When did you ever have time to work? Lol your brother is going to love the zip quilt looks good.(must give this one a go]
Enjoy the quilt show good way to do it Taking a bus trip.
Quilt retreat looks so bright and beautiful!