Wednesday 29 March 2023

To-Do Tuesday #8 (March 28 - April 3) Busy, Busy, Busy!

 Another busy week last week, and this week is about the same. Sheesh! How did I ever manage to do things when I was working? 

I did lots of sewing, it just wasn't on the projects on my to-do list. For my own reference: 

  • Attended Zoom quilting workshop
  • Sewed community quilt top at guild's sewcial sew day
  • Finished repairing the vintage quilt
  • Edited and updated 4 prize books for our local fair
  • Shopped with hubby for a new washing machine 😌
  • Went to a local music concert
  • Attended AGM for volunteer training and orientation
  • Visited my niece and great-niece to plant some seeds to germinate indoors and pulled weeds and dead foliage from a couple garden beds
  • Sewed blocks at guild's community quilts sew day
  • Watched 1 and 2 grandkids a few times for a few hours πŸ’—πŸ’—
A look at last week's To-Do list: 

  • Gather fabrics for an online workshop I have today. Eep! As soon as I finish writing this!  Done! πŸ‘

Thanks to this post from Little Penguin Quilts, I discovered Brenda Gael Smith of Serendipity Patchwork & Quilting. I decided to sign up for her newsletter and participate in her free Dreamlines Project.  It didn't take too long exploring her website to decide that I wanted to take a class with her.

Brenda resides in Copacabana on the Central Coast of New South Wales in Australia. She got up in the wee hours of the morning (the workshop started 5 am her time) to teach her workshop "Logs and Ladders"  There were participants from Canada, USA and England. For me, the workshop started at 11 am the day before (confusing, I know. LOL) She joked that she may go back to bed after the class.  

I have been sewing so many blocks using squares and rectangles lately. This workshop taught improv cutting and piecing and was fun, freeing and left me full of possibilities and ideas. We made samples of ladder and log cabin blocks using freeform cutting without rulers. Her demonstration of joining the curved pieces was a lightbulb moment for me. I finally understand the method and it took the fear out of it. I am definitely going to sign up for more workshops. I highly recommend taking a workshop with her. It felt like you were taking an in-person class.  

  • Pack up machine, supplies for guild sew day on Wednesday at local shop - Done! πŸ‘
I finished sewing one of the Jelly Roll Race quilt tops that was started at our guild meeting last week. Sorry, no picture yet. 
  • Finish repairs on the 1980’s quilt. Document the process.  - Done! πŸ‘
I hope to share the details in a post later this week. Here's a sneak peek.
  • Keep sewing Sew the rest of the pink/grey blocks (I am up to 60, I need a total of 80 blocks). - Not done. 
  • Sandwich Scrap Snap Quilt and start quilting. - Not done.
  • Set a timer for 30 minutes 3x this week to sort, put away, put for donation or throw out "stuff" in my sewing room. Track my progress! Not done.

To-Do Tuesday #8
  • Keep sewing the pink/grey blocks (I am up to 60, I need a total of 80 blocks).
  • Sandwich Scrap Snap Quilt and start quilting. My OMG, I need to do this!!!
  • Pack up machine, supplies and quilting projects for retreat this weekend! 
  • Set a timer for 30 minutes 3x this week to sort, put away, put for donation or throw out "stuff" in my sewing room. Track my progress! Who am I kidding??
Hope you have a productive week!


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wow Kat, great lists of all the happenings at your place. Busy and very productive quilter! Happy Stitching!

Brenda Topping said...

How did you ever find the time to work. I absolutely love the wonky blocks! Keep up all the work like you said Busy,Busy,Busy! I very much enjoy reading your blog’s

Brenda Topping said...

How did you ever find the time to work. I absolutely love the wonky blocks! Keep up all the work like you said Busy,Busy,Busy! I very much enjoy reading your blog’s

Unknown said...

I love the purple and green block. It gives me Emily Carr west coast painting vibes!

Carol Andrews said...

Kat you had another incredible week with so much progress on so many projects. I have a fear of trying improv quilting so I'm off to check out the quilter you mentioned. Thank you for sharing the info and your opinion of her. Love those wonky blocks! Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Happy spring (finally?)